Saturday, October 10, 2020

Polar Code

Polar Codes

From this site you can watch the videos & download the documents.

15-859: Information Theory and its applications in theory of computation, Spring 2013, lecture 10, 11, 12

Best Readings in Polar Coding


A Practical Introduction to Polar Codes (A very simple tutorial for beginners)

- K (message) bits and N (code) bits (where K is a message and N is a code)

- BI-DMS: binary input discrete memoryless symmetric

- Attractive features:

  - Fixed, low, and deterministic encoding and decoding

  - Explicit construction

  - Easy to implement

- BSC: binary symmetric channel

- BEC: binary erasure channel

- AWGN: additive white Gaussian channel

- Bhattacharyya parameter