Saturday, December 13, 2008

Do you know CRT?

CRT is NOT Cathode Ray Tube.
As I know, CRT is C RunTime Library's CRT.

And crt0;
in the wikipedia,
crt0 (or crt0.o, gcrt0.o, mcrt0.o) is a set of execution startup routines (usually part of the C standard library), platform-dependent, required in order to compile using the gcc and other GNU tools.
crt stands for 'c runtime'

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Read 2 books

인문의 숲에서 경영을 만나다 2, 정진홍
Think Innovation (씽크이노베이션) or イノベ-ションの本質, 노니카 이쿠지로, 가쓰미 아키라

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Do you know, auto, tempo ...

In India, you can find some transfers which are auto, tempo, and ... rickshaw
You can find pictures of them, here

Here is India.

Now, I'm in business trip from Oct. 9th to Oct. 22nd -> Oct 24th.

I'm in Noida, India.
I don't know all about India, but India is very interesting nation.
The gap of between rich man and poor man is very long distance.
The good place which are my company office, guest house, and shopping mall (sector 18, lifestyle)  is not bad or I did not notice here is Korea or India, but the bad place which are out of my office, out of guest house, and out of shopping mall is really not good place.
That is, I think, making social problem that is the gap between the rich and the poor.

Before the business trip, should learn that place; history, culture, and other things. It is the best way to learn that place & easy to work that place.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

In India, working place

Do you know India?

In our company, we can go to India many place where is Noida, Mumbai, Chennai, etc.

Noida stands for New Okhla Industrial Development Area.
In my point of view, Noida is very simple & developing city. Except sector 18, there are no shopping mall. And compare to Delhi, this place is not good to live for me.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

내 인생에 가장 값비싼 MIT MBA 강의 노트

Yesterday, I read "내 인생에 가장 값비싼 MIT MBA 강의 노트", by 이원재

Nowadays, I'm interested in MBA(Master of Business Administration). But I want to study MBA.

In this book, I get some information.
1. Tipping Point, Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
"인재 제일 주의의 허점"
2. Story Telling
이야기가 담김 기획의 효과와 One Page Proposal의 문제점
and Buttlet (주위를 끌기 위해 찍는 굵은 점)
3. Jack Welch: "Neurton Jack"
The neutron bomb is
4. "The strength of weak ties" by Mark Granovetter.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Work together with someone

Work togher with someone, somethimes it is not easy.
When I was young (I'm not old), I didn't think about that.

Monday, September 22, 2008

New 2 books & Plus one more

How Did I Get So Busy?, Valorie Burton
 - The 28-day Plan to Free Your Time, Reclaim Your Schedule, and Reconnect with What Matters Mostand

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Are you hungry?

If I eat something, even though I'm not full (that does not make me full), I will not eat something.

Do you understand?

For example a chewing gum, a cigarette, and etc, I don't like those things.
Some tings somebody asked me "Would you like to have one chewing gum?", in that case I always "No thank you, I don't like a chewing gum." because of 'If I eat something, even though I'm not full (that does not make me full), I will not eat something.'
I like eat some food.
Whenever I eat, it should make me full. (But to eat should be make me full.)

That is my philosophy.

How about you?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Re-adjust book shelve

In my room, there are many un-read book.

Almost books were not read expect school text books.
But nowadays I am reading many books. Unfortunately buying book speed is faster than reading book speed.

Ok, today I will summarize the reading book number & buying book number. 

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Do you know "Lena Söderberg"?

She is/was very famous girl/lady in the image processing field.
Image processing field means DSP (digital signal processing) or image compressing, etc.

From the google, we can get more information.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Geek, it is a odd person.
Can you tell me "I'm a Geek"?

In the IT world, somebody crazys about something, we called he is a geek.

Do you know "Jolt Cola"?

Have you ever heard the "Jolt Cola"?
Jolt cola has caffeine twice as original. It is very energetic soft drink.

I want to drink it and have it.
Somebody help me?

Related to the Jolt Cola, in the world, there is Jolt Awards.
Jolt Awards is very famous award in the computer science & engineering, isn't it?
In the categories there are 16 items.

1. Books (Practical/General Developer Interest)
2. Books (Technical)
3. Collaboration Tools
4. Change and Configuration Management
5. Database Engines and Data Tools
6. Design and Modeling
7. Development Environments
8. Enterprise Tools
9. Libraries, Frameworks and Components
10. Mobile Development
11. Project Management
12. Security
13. Testing Tools
14. Utilities
15. Web Development
16. Websites/Developer Networks

I have some books which have won the Jolt Awards.
- 1990: "Programming Windows, 2nd Ed.," by Charles Petzold (Microsoft Press)
- 1992: "Effective C++," by Scott Meyers (Addison Wesley Publishing Co.)
- 1993: "Writing Solid Code," by Steve Maguire (Microsoft Press)
- 2004: "Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective," by Diomidis Spinellis (Addison-Wesley, 2003)

Unfortunately I did not read them all.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Read 2 books & Read 1 more

About 1 week ago, I bought 3 books

All books are Korean Version :-)

1. 3040,희망에 베팅하라 by 공병호
2. Blogging Heroes: Interviews with 30 of the World's Top Bloggers
3. Why Software Sucks by David S Platt

First and second books are already done.
Now I'm reading third book, "why software sucks", that book is very interesting. About 9 years (1999 - 2008, now) I have developed software (PC based, DSP, ARM, etc ...). But until now I did not think about that when we develop the S/W we don't think about the S/W user. In this book, let me know the S/W user what he or her wants.

We always think about the other side world.
Do you understand?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

New 2 books

Yesterday, in the book store I bought 2 book.

1. Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds,
2. Design of design by Kenya Hara
from the Internet, that book title is Designing Design
But all books are Korean Version.
I'm not good at English.

In the future, I will bye new book English version :-)

After reading, I will write the review.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

You only see what you know

Nowadays I read many blog.
In the blog I found one sentence that is "You only see what you know".
That is very impressive to me& I agreed that.
Before we understand something or someone, we should study of that.
That is very important thing to do something.

In this reason,
We have studied all of our life.

Monday, August 11, 2008

What is your dream?

Do you have a dream?
I had a dream.
But ... now, I have no idea about that.

When I was young, I want to be a scientist.
No subject, just want to be a scientist.
Until high school, I had wanted to study mathematics or physics.
In the university, I changed my major and now I'm a programmer.
Just a coder, not program designer.
I want to be a program designer or special list.
Or want to be a designer or creator :-).

More old, less dream
(I don't know, this expression is right or not)

I don't want to lost my dream.
If I lost my dream, I'm not a man.

Do you have a dream?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sexual Discrimination

Nowadays, most people does not use "policeman" but "police-officer".
Space man / Space woman,
Cheer girl -> Cheer leader,
and Chairman -> Chairperson
There are many word to compare man and woman.

Monday, August 4, 2008

We cannot get anything easly.

Nowadays, I have study SAP.
It is the new area of my job position.
I change the UI theme & change the text input method.
Editing & porting.
Sometimes I think I am a good S/W engineer.
But ... I'm NOT.
To get knowledge of anything, we will pay for that.
Am I right?
Are you agree?
I think, life is also same.
Life is not easy to live, isn't it?

Friday, August 1, 2008

Make a document about something

In Korea, most engineer did NOT learn how to make a document or manual of his/her work(s).
Today, I finished one job so I decieded to make a document of my about one week job.

The job was to make a BREW static library & put the BREW static library into the mobilephone.
One week ago, I have no idea about that. In that time I started to study about that and made it. Yesterday I finished my work and today I decided to make a document about that. It is NOT easy to me. Making program is easier than making document (or manual). According to the book or famouse person's comment, making document is more important than making source code.

Try and try to make a document.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Today is the second day of English diary

I have 3 issues.
First one is SAP seminar.
Second one, I solve the problem converting BREW app. to BREW lib..
and the last one, I heard the news "pass away" of my co-worker's baby.

SAP seminar is NOT enough to me.
I need to study of SAP.

Making BREW lib., it makes me crazy.
In the otherside, I learnd many things when I had solved this problem.
Thank you hard work :-(.

Today, I was told Vijay's very small baby was passed away.
I want to conslotae him, but my English ability is not good so I cound not.
I wrote him an e-mail. I wanted to my message to him but ...
In the future, if he will come back to the office, I will comfort him.
I will pray to Vijay's baby.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

To improve my English ability I am writing English diary.
Today is the first day of my my diary.

Nowadays I developed BREW game porting in the mobile phone.
But it is NOT easy to me.
I have worked with a India engineer who is the good for S/W & other things.
Today I got soure code from him.
In that source code, BREW game was inserted c source code so today I wanted to chagne the c code to library with ADS (arm devloper suite)
Do you know how to change *.o (object file) to *.lib (library file) with ADS.
From the internet I got some information.
>ar -r mylib.lib myfile1.o myfile2.o myfile3.o
It is very easy, but it was NOT working :-(.

And I have study SAP (S/W platform).
It is NOT easy for me.

Life is NOT easy to live.
How do you think about that?

Do you have a dream?