Sunday, September 28, 2008

내 인생에 가장 값비싼 MIT MBA 강의 노트

Yesterday, I read "내 인생에 가장 값비싼 MIT MBA 강의 노트", by 이원재

Nowadays, I'm interested in MBA(Master of Business Administration). But I want to study MBA.

In this book, I get some information.
1. Tipping Point, Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
"인재 제일 주의의 허점"
2. Story Telling
이야기가 담김 기획의 효과와 One Page Proposal의 문제점
and Buttlet (주위를 끌기 위해 찍는 굵은 점)
3. Jack Welch: "Neurton Jack"
The neutron bomb is
4. "The strength of weak ties" by Mark Granovetter.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Work together with someone

Work togher with someone, somethimes it is not easy.
When I was young (I'm not old), I didn't think about that.

Monday, September 22, 2008

New 2 books & Plus one more

How Did I Get So Busy?, Valorie Burton
 - The 28-day Plan to Free Your Time, Reclaim Your Schedule, and Reconnect with What Matters Mostand

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Are you hungry?

If I eat something, even though I'm not full (that does not make me full), I will not eat something.

Do you understand?

For example a chewing gum, a cigarette, and etc, I don't like those things.
Some tings somebody asked me "Would you like to have one chewing gum?", in that case I always "No thank you, I don't like a chewing gum." because of 'If I eat something, even though I'm not full (that does not make me full), I will not eat something.'
I like eat some food.
Whenever I eat, it should make me full. (But to eat should be make me full.)

That is my philosophy.

How about you?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Re-adjust book shelve

In my room, there are many un-read book.

Almost books were not read expect school text books.
But nowadays I am reading many books. Unfortunately buying book speed is faster than reading book speed.

Ok, today I will summarize the reading book number & buying book number.