Friday, February 20, 2009

How to build UNICODE in the Visual C++ 6.0

In the Visual C++ 6.0, if you want to compile UNICODE code,
You should chagne some configuration.

1. in the project, you delete _MBCS and input _UNICODE.
 [Project] -> [Settings] -> [C/C++ tab] -> [General Category]
  in the Preprocessor definitions, change _MBCS to _UNICODE
2. If you meet "Cannot open MFC42ud.dll(mfc42u.lib, mfcs42d.lib, or etc)"
 Copy the MFC library to your local machine. 
 From CD \VC98\MFC\LIB\all files to \Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\Lib\ directory
3. [Project] -> [Settings] -> [Link] 
 In the Object/libary modules, insert mfc42u.lib
And compile the source code.

If you will see "msvctl.lib:error LNK2001 :unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16~~~"
 [Project] -> [Settings] -> [Link] 
 In the Entry-point symbol set "wWinMainCRTStartup"

That's all.

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