Monday, December 30, 2019

C++ - Reference variables

C++ - Reference variables
in the Thinking in C++ (p. 151)
"Pointers work roughly the same in C and in C++, but C++ adds an additional way to pass an address into a function. This is pass-by-reference and it exists in several other programming languages so it was not a C++ invention."

int a = 0;
int &ref = a;

Pointer vs. Reference
1. Pointers are a superset, references are a subset.
2. References must be initialized when created.
3. References can not be reassigned.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

#pragma once vs. #ifndef

#pragma once is NOT standard
But #ifndef is standard
#ifndef XXX_YYYY
#define XXX_YYYY

#endif // XXX_YYYY

In the compile-time #pragma once is faster.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

[VS Code] enable define in C & C++

Setting Visual Studio Code

>C/C++:Edit Configuration (JSON)

Make c_cpp_properties.json in .vscode folder, and
 - Updated c_cpp_properties.json syntax

"configurations": [
        "defines": [
        // ...